Huge demo version update that includes past game updates and some new features from the still in progress first Game Alpha version. Hopefully, I didn't miss any...
I've been delaying this update for a while now, because it's most likely the last one before the first Alpha version, and I wanted to have a playable Act 2. Eve...
Happy New Year everyone ! My work has been slowed down a bit those last few weeks by some computer issues and a short winter break, but it's still progressing...
This is one huge update. I playtested from the start all of Act 1 and the beginning of Act 2 + most of the optional content. The detailed bug list is kinda scar...
This update finally brings more purpose to every party members (particularly the passive ones). Growing trees, harvesting, getting some hints, gathering animals...
Pretty big optional content improvement with this update. I focused mostly on giving more perks to the optional allies and also improved a lot on the dwarf trad...
Two weeks have passed since the last game update, yet this version can seem pretty poor in content. It was really a lot of writing for all the party members pri...
New demo version update, with the Day/Night and Time systems. The available parts of the castle has also increased to include the private rooms. Doing a few tes...